--------------- the Epic Journey to Auburn ---------------

Auburn Range Update

As per the email …

sigghhh … it’s been more than 6 months … 


the Auburn Range at this stage is not compliant till November , so we won’t be moving to Auburn … to be revisited.


to move our Livefire shooting back to the Auburn Range, the Club will need to increase the range fees by more than 300%  simply to try and cover the costs , between range fee ‘income’ and range fee ‘expense’.


The Committee feels that many members, particularly those East of Auburn, may not be willing to incur this level of range fees. However , in the interests of transparency, particularly with annual renewal fees due to be issued next month , we want members to have an input on where the Club should conduct the bulk of future Livefire shooting activities.


If the decision is made to concentrate our Livefire shoots at St Marys , in order to help those members with further to travel meet their mandatory competition attendances , on the first Sunday of every second month the Club will run two separate competitions on the one day.


thank you for your input ... the members have spoken
