Be a Good Club Member
by filling in and submitting the Attendance Form … Type [ 22 ] , [ 9 ] , [ 650 ] if you need a club pistol.
knowing how many Dynamic Livefire Shooters DLSs , will turn up … will help The Shadow , Capt Obvious and Dashing David enormously in planning better and more interesting shoots.
You can help The Shadow with the planning of the Run Order Sheet ROS , by submitting your Attendance Form , to ensure every member enjoys a safe , efficient and compliant shoot
2. Be Punctual – arrive at the scheduled time – half an hour before shoot starts , it helps us with the planning , match strings and the smooth running of the event.
2. All members must be present for the Course of Fire / Safety
a. 30 minutes before the match begins.
b. Late arrivals may have to wait until all other shooters complete their strings.
3. Sign in ensuring all details are clear and legible.
a. Please show your licence and club membership details.
b. New shooters are to complete a P650.
c. Write your name on the String Plan Sheet – new – For allocation to a string and from which your name will be called.
5. Shooters score their own targets.
a. please leave the clipboards on the benches at the line.
6. Score sheets must be completed in full.
a. With member number and calibre of firearm.
b. Add up the string totals or the score will not be entered.
7. Hand in your score sheet for attendance to be recorded.
8. Volunteer for patching and/or timing, if you are not shooting next.
a. we need one patcher per shooter.
9. Help to clean and tidy up