Obtaining a Permit To Acquire

Obtaining a Permit To Acquire

After you have completed the Pistol Firearms Safety Training (PPL) Course, and the first six months of the PPL has been successfully completed, you can apply for a PTA for 0.22 rimfire or 0.177 air pistol, or firearm from the Firearms Registry.

Details on purchasing a firearm are provided by the NSW Firearms Registry. Licensing.

After 6 months from date of issue of the Probationary photo license allows an active member to obtain their first pistol.

There will then be a 28 day cooling off period required by the NSW Police Firearms Registry and the Club is required to endorse the Member’s suitability for the ownership of a pistol.

Castle Hill RSL Pistol Club Junior members, 12 years and up to 18 years (when an Adult License may be issued), must be the responsibility of a Parent or a Guardian, who is a member of a Pistol Club Member who is over 21 years.

Junior members may have the supervised use of a licensed target pistol of .177 or .22 calibre.

After the 12 month Probationary License has expired, members may then apply for their Full License.

Attendances Castle Hill RSL Pistol Club recommends a member to attend at least once per month and lodge a match score. 

PTA a pistol


Attending and shooting at the Castle Hill RSL Pistol Club or a programmed competition will keep you up to date with safe handling of Pistols.

It will provide you with up to date information and interaction with other members and provides the Castle Hill RSL Pistol Club with an active friendly club environment of very interesting members, who are ready to share stories.

NSW law requires each different category firearm type (Air Pistol, Rim fire, Center Fire) held by a member, must attend at least four competition shoots a year, at a properly conducted match at the Castle Hill RSL Pistol Club or by the presentation of certified scores at other Open Shoot Events.

Safety is of highest importance and regular use of your firearms provides a level of competency to maintain the Castle Hill RSL Pistol Club safety record.