Castle Hill RSL Pistol Club is the best Pistol Target Shooting Club in Sydney to join.

Joining the Castle Hill RSL Pistol Club, will be the best decision you can make, if you want to enjoy Pistol shooting, attain a Pistol Licence … and, you’ll meet and enjoy the company of a great bunch of members.


Who Can Join the Castle Hill Pistol Club ?

Any person over the age of 12 can join , a parent must attend the training and shoots with them.

New Members – Steps to Join


Submit Membership Application Form

Fill out Club Membership Application Form, which must include the Membership Fee.


Complete Safety Course

While waiting for approval, you can begin the Pistol Safe Handling Course PSHC , which allows you to start shooting at the Air Pistol range, and later at the Livefire range.


Successful completion of Level 1 and Level 2 of the Pistol Safe Handling Course is necessary before a member can apply to FAR for your Probationary Pistols Licence (PPL) .


Meantime, you can continue training the Advanced PSHC Level 3 and Level 4 , but you must fill out a P650 form each time you attend the range , until you get your licence.


apply online for your Pistol Licence

Firearms Registry requirements

click here … FAR dashboard for ID requirements


Once Level 1 and Level 2 Pistol Safe Handling Course is successfully completed the Club will send your Completed P561 Application for a Personal Firearms License to the Firearms Registry.


Completed P660 Genuine Reason Form

Sports / Target Shooting Certificate showing completion of P650 and then …

Wait for Firearms Registry to issue Probationary Pistol License