Pres Smudge Report – Sunday September 8
Dave running out of dashes , the Shadow disappearing into the darkest Africa , and Capt Obviously not there … it was left Hoa (pronounced wuahh as in muaahh) to run the shoot.
with everything carefully planned , it was left to Ramesh and Pres Smudge to herd the cats into some semblance of order … and they certainly saved the day.
With the briefing and order of the shoot emailed to the DLSs … the cats were settled in their bays chafing at the bit , ready at 10:26 , Hoa checked his smart watch … at 10:31 the shots rang out , with Hoa’s guidance the 2 comp shoot was under way.
1312 and the first 8 shooters tore down their targets … and the second tranche were ushered by Hoa into their Bays … it was organised and no mayhem. Ian B RO’d a tranche as well … Pres Smudge was most impressed , as there were several new shooters , who were all carefully supervised.
Pres Smudge surveyed the 4 new shooters , who agreed and Rated the shoot as the very best , they have ever been to 🙁
A crowd of happy satisfied faces chatted their way out of the Range by 11:50 … the shoot ????
the shoot ??? ohh yes … Comp 1
Results Rimfire:
Valentino just edged out Grant L , not a newbie with 243 and 242, hhhmmm … Gentleman Jim 3 , on 241 … wowww , a newbie , with Pres Smudge claiming the credit for training him. then came Hoa on 240 followed by Jeremiah , Jim G’s son , and on 238 Paulette … fabulous Comp only 1 point separating each one.
Then came Jim D on 222 , Kris on 220 , Ramesh only one point down on 214 , and Louie on 213. Then came Wally , Ian B , Rishi , Paul D , Defu , Dino , Peter D and Terri welcoming another newbie.
Results Comp 1 Centrefire boys with noise BwNs
William C first on 236 , with Glenn L 226 second , followed by Simon and Nadim.
Then came Fernando O on 181 , closely followed by Hoa , Tony , Eugene , Wilson and Gustavo.
Comp 2 – Rimfire
Jim D led the way on 171 , followed by Louie P who tied with Valentino on 154 , Peter D tied with Grant on 146 , one point ahead of Jim G on 145 … wowwww talk about a close comp. … followed by a close group in the 130s Ramesh , , Rishi , Paulette , and Hoa.
Then came Jeremiah on 126 , Defu on 110 , Paul D , Kris , Dino , Terri and Ian B.
Comp 2 – Centrefire , BwNs
William C 1st on 141 , Glen L on 133 , followed by Simon on 110.
Then came Wilson on 93 , followed by Hoa , Eugene , Fernando , Gustavo Tony and Nadim.
I have never seen so many happy shooters , so satisfied with the morning shoot at the St Mary Range
see you all on the 15th