Oh for a Chad Oh Report – December 22
The last Live Fire shoot for the year and it went off with a bang. All 20 members in attendance, aimed to have a good time. You might say everybody was fired up. We sure did have a blast.
Yes, these are all very poor puns. I hope none of you are triggered by them. Its hard to come up with material each week. I think I’m running out of ammunition. Anyway, let’s sight some serious points and target a few things.
The 7 new shooters attending today, performed extremely well. Their firearms control, muzzle awareness and shooting results were excellent. Four of them scored over 400 points. Considering we shot most of the rounds at 20 and 25m, this is impressive. Some might say, it’s down to the training. More likely its due to the RO’s and their effective control of the range.
Results Rimfire
Jim D first again but watch out, Jeremiah G hot on his heels in equal 2nd with our Pres Smudge. Jim G 4th, is probably kicking himself for dropping two shots in his second string, otherwise it might have been a different story. James G and Helen G the best improved this week. Helen would have won the family contest but mustn’t be a fan of the three-ring smudge target. Either way they are both getting better each week.
Results Centrefire
Simon Y mopped the floor of his 9mm competitors. An impressive 1st place finish and well ahead of Chad Oh 2nd and David D 3rd. David is on the up also. He’s been finally tuning his new toy, and I’m betting that it won’t be long till he’ll be outscoring Chad. Chad wont like this. If you see Chad having a sook at the range, maybe hand him a tissue.
All up, a great last shoot for the calendar year. Its going to be a long few weeks until we are back to our weekly schedule. The Pres has organised a shoot at the Sydney Olympic range for Jan 19th for those that need their fix in between.
I wish everybody a wonderful festive season and happy new year. I hope you all enjoy some time to relax or catch up with family and friends. Whatever you’re doing at this crazy time of year, stay safe. But most importantly ..
Stay straight and tight until the next shoot
The Chad Oh.