Oh for a Chad Oh Report – Saturday July 28

Another shoot, another hoot. That’s right, we were hoot’n, toot’n and shoot’n at Condell Park for our second visit. Once again, we were warmly welcomed by the wonderful owners who are just awesome hosts. I wouldn’t be surprised if next week there’s a strip of red carpet out front for our members to walk in on.


The day kicked off a little later than planned as Pres Smudge had organised time before hand for the club firearms to be sighted in.


Obviously, this is important for our new shooters who use them, and it showed in the results. So next week I’m organising some time to un-sight them. We can’t have new shooters showing up the old members by hitting 9’s and 10’s. That’s just unconstitutional.


We had 15 members present themselves for another of Pres Smudge’s double comps with those mickey mouse targets, which includes the tiny but popular sticker with a 50/40/30 bonus points. Seriously it’s a tough series of targets. If your hitting higher than 7’s you’re shooting pretty darn good.

Speaking of darn good there were some standouts in scores in Rimfire. Wiley Fox 1st in both comps. He put all 5 rounds into the bonus tiny sticker and collected 210 out of 250 for that effort. GL631 also faired quite nicely with 170 from his sticker rounds.


In Centrefire The Hurricane placed second in both comps for his first podium finish. He was grinning from ear to ear. Who’s idea was it to sight in the new club 9mm! He even out scored Chad Oh in comp one and Chad’s not happy about this. Two of our newest members who are related and yet to be given appropriate nick names continued their learning journey.


I can see an internal family rivalry starting, probably to the same scale as Mr and Mrs Fox have. Let’s hope they are not calling me at all hours of the night to question the scores on the website like Mrs Fox does. Boy did she get angry last week about one single point.


Now as you read this I’m guessing your confused about who is who, as all the names have been removed from the website. Unfortunately, Google has purchased the rights to our Website and they now own all our members first name and first initial.


The good news is that the club still owns the remainder of your surname and member number. If you wish, you can purchase a new name like some of us have. Just speak to the Club Secretary and have your credit card handy for a monthly subscription fee. 


In the meantime, stay straight and tight.

The Chad Oh.

Sighting in and Pistol cleaning

It was the first time we introduced Sighting in time , before a shoot. Linda from the Condell Park Range was very accommodating , and even though herding cats is a challenge , we finally dragged Glenn in to show a small group of keen members to see how it’s done

Thanks Glenn


By that stage Ray had started pulling apart a pistol watched by a very attentive audience. So when we started the shoot , we finally had pistols that didn’t jam , that were cleaned and sighted in.

great work Ray … it was very rewarding for me to observe the obvious camraderie and the interest and rapt attention.

The bad news was the newer members were achieving high scores , luckily Daniel S didn’t show up 🙂


The committee have agreed that this type of activity should be held on regular basis , essentially setting up a cleaning and maintenance program for members.


In fact we have taken steps to organise some speakers with expertise to come and share their knowledge to members

thanks again to all who participated this was a most rewarding day 🙂