A dashing Report – Sunday August 18
without a shadow of a doubt … Rated the bestest pistol comp shoot ever … ever … ever by the Pres and two other shooters surveyed.
apologies 🙁 …
If you really want to stuff it up , get the President to do it 🙁 … some of the results were incorrectly entered … sorry Paulette and Glen.
The briefing started in the carpark at 9:50 , the ‘volunteers’ had received a list of the shooters and duties to be carried out , the night before.
The President then showed off the modified mobile foldable bench , now with an added shelf and wheels … this was also highly rated , and there was some jostling with several volunteers eager to help .
At 10:00am , the team sprung into action , straight to Range D , the safe was soon raided and emptied by Ian B and the Pres picked up the key at the desk at 10:10am. and the setup began.
It was to be a precursor of the next few weeks … 2 Comps in the one morning … 10:30am David D , welcomed everyone , and the first 8 shooters setup their targets … it was joyful organised mayhem … with a change of target and the second Comp was under way.
Everyone walked out of the Range wrapped with satisfaction , the general consensus was FANTASTIC , GREAT , BEST EVER , CAN WE DO IT AGAIN HUH HUH !!!
the shoot ??? ohh yes … Comp 1
Results Rimfire:
Kris L a newbie 1st with 223, hhhmmm … the quiet achiever , Paulette D 2nd with 213 , great work , David D was 3rd by a whisker with 212 , Jose on 204 , great to see the Vice Pres , Ray M was right behind him with 200 , Paulette and the Presidente with 195 , Hoa who also did some RO work and training as did Ian B and Davis Duffield , was only a point behind.
Then came Ian B , Peter D , David B , Dino I and Lucas D , great to see him on the range , it won’t take him long to shoot up the list.
Results Comp 1 Centrefire:
The Shadow is right Who cares. Those blokes just like the sound of their guns. Glenn L was 1st by another whisker on 190 , Jarrad E on 189 , great shooting was 2nd and another whisker , William C on 188 was 3rd , Gustavo 4th on 187 wowww talk about close , followed by Wai C and James C.
Comp 2
David D tied with Kris on 223 , followed by Paulette on 215 , Ray M , and Jose. Then cane Paul D and Peter D , with Lucas stepping up , a couple of steps – told you it wouldn’t take long , great work Lucas , followed by Dino and David.
William C led the way on 219 , Glenn L on 210 , followed by Jarrad , Gustavo and Hoa . Then came James C and Wai C.
I have never seen so many happy faces , so satisfied with the morning at the St Mary Range
see you all next week