Next  shoot - we are at St Marys on Sunday - 10:00 am – 12:30 pm

The Shadow is back Report – Sunday June 2

In the words of the great Steve Irwin … CRIKEY! What a Sunday! We had 28 shooters, and it was sure busy. Crikey that’s a lot of shooters! So good to see a lot of members in attendance.


Before I go on, I must convey to all, that’s if you didn’t notice cause I certainly did … the new club captain is still learning how things work. Let’s not assume that he knows everything … yet. This shoot was planned to be a bit different, but when 28 members need to have their weekly fix of 48 rounds, adjustments had to be made so everybody got their time to play. 


I for one, enjoy shooting at a range of distances. I also like throwing in some timing. Well, that was the plan on Sunday. But things got a little hectic and the plan changed.  At least we had some interesting targets though.  In the end, we just let it all rip from 10m with no timing. At least that makes for higher scores, right?


I’m informed the committee/club have made some notes on how to improve the efficiency of the shoots. I’m positive that things will run more smoothly and that means more fun for all of us.


So lets talk results. In Rimfire it was tight at the top … 3 points separating the top 3. Crikey that’s tight.

Can I have a standing ovation please for Paulette D!!!!! Paulette 1st in Rimfire with 443 points … Crikey that’s a great score.

Jim D 2nd by only 2 points. Crikey, I love it when he gets beaten by Paulette.  Jim is a red-hot shot and I know he doesn’t like coming second.


David D 3rd with 440 points and just a bee’s appendage off second by 1 point.


A special mention to new shooter Charlotte S who finished just shy of 400 points …. watch this space! Also, two junior members Hugh T and Lucas D who showed great skill in firearms handling with very respectable scores indeed.


In Centrefire, Paul C takes the top honours with 432 points, he was Mr 9’s and 10’s all day. Great result for Tony F who is relatively new to the club and picked up third place. The rest of the centrefire show pony’s are not worth mentioning. We all know, its not about the size of your calibre.


It was another great Sunday for all concerned.

Crikey, stay straight and tight.

The Shadow
