Next  shoot - we are at St Marys on April 21 - 1.00 pm – 3:00 pm

the return of the Shadow

Shadow Report – Sunday April  14


A few weeks ago, the wonderful staff at St Marys took Captain Obvious and The Shadow into the “back room”, where they discovered a plethora of toys to play with. It’s not what you’re thinking … it’s where they store various targets systems. Here we discovered rotating timed targets.


So, this Sunday we mixed things up a little with these targets, just for some added fun. What was even funner, we had them set at 25m with an additional standard facing target set at 20m. Who wants to shoot at 10m’s anyway? For strings 1 & 2 the rotation timing was set at 15 seconds. The anti was upped for strings 3 & 4 to 7 seconds. I can tell you from being there … and the score sheets … 7 seconds at 25m … there aint much time for aiming. Especially using precision targets, 10’s were in short supply.


So, over the next few weeks we intend to roll out more of the toys from the “back room” for our members to play with. I don’t want to ruin the surprises, but soon we could be shootings at; fish in a barrel , floating balloons , remote controlled drones and even kicking in doors !  Yes its true they have a door set up … actually they have two … depending on your preference of entry , a front door or a back door.


(Captain Obvious was asking (for a friend) whether a door could be a jar ?)


Some interesting results today … here’s the hi-lights.


Paul D top of rimfire, enough said about that. Sue R, who is new to the club and not long into her shooting journey, smashed it with 3rd place. Sue only missed out on second by 4 points, to the one and only Jim D, who aint no slouch as we all know. So a ripping effort from Sue.


A shout out to junior Hugh T, who showed great talent and a worthy result given the difficulty of the shoot. His old man was very proud.


Glenn L and Ray M, first and second in centrefire … boring boring boring.  At least I can just copy and paste this result from week to week. The rest of centrefire shooter’s need to step up their game and knock these two peacocks off the top perch for a change.


In summary … you guessed it … this was the best shoot ever. And its just gonna get more funner each week. Can’t wait for next weeks targets … fish in a barrel. Please remember to bring your own fish and your fishing licence.


See you next week. If you turn up.

Stay straight and tight! 

